Beyond the Farm

Podcast (Dutch)

The farmhouse has become a popular refuge for the city dweller who seeks the peaceful rural lifestyle. Now that the old farm houses are sold out in the countryside of Gelderland, farmlike homes pop up everywhere in a brand new leisure landscape where the nostalghic idea of living on a farm is disconnected from its actual labour, smell and noise. In the short documentary Beyond the farm we visit this parallel world of lifestyle farm markets, pancake restaurants, gated communities with farm villas, and many new forms of outdoor entertainment. 

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The documentary Beyond the farm was linked to the Museum for Contemporary Art Arnhem. The visitors could experience the farm lifestyle in an interactive installation.

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Location Arnhem

Period May 2002

Team Melle Smets, Hans Jungerius, Rob Groot Zevert

Partner & funding TV Gelderland

Exhibition Museum of Contemporary Art Arnhem