Leisure Resort Parallelweg

Podcast (Dutch)

G.A.N.G. already organised many day trips with P-travels to footloose landscapes such as shopping malls, brain parks, fast-food strips, and the highway. In short, the parallel world. As a follow-up to the day trips, G.A.N.G. set up Leisure Resort Parallel//road. Overseeing the A12 highway from the industrial park the Nieuwgraaf, the resort offered the audience the chance to spend some time in the parallel world.

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Impression of industrial park the Nieuwgraaf

Over thirty artists, designers and performers contributed to the resort. Together, the installations and performances formed a temporary and unique holiday park to enjoy the good, rich life that exists along our highways.

Leisure Resort Parallel//way offered weekend packages. There was a first class restaurant ‘Trailer Made (T.I.R.)’ in the back of a truck, and ‘St. Hubertus’, an outdoor beer bar overseeing the AVR garbage furnace on the horizon. In the evenings you could visit the stylish casino ‘Royal’ or enjoy the varied entertainment in the exclusive ‘Club Zeth’.But the active vacationer was not forgotten either; for them we developed a survival trip through the unexpected nature and forgotten wilderness behind the many distribution centres. With the ‘POP-UPS’ performance evening, sitting on a driving grandstand, the distri park became the backdrop of modern dance theatre. All was possible in Leisure Resort Parallel//away!

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Period 2003

Location Bedrijventerrein Centerpoort, A12 – Duiven

Team Hans Jungerius, Melle Smets, Rob Groot Zevert, Jur van Diggele, Jacco van der Post, Eva van Ginhoven, Peter Goudriaan, Clare Dowling

Funding Gemeente Duiven, Stichting VSBfonds, Provincie Gelderland, Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds Gelderland, Cultuurfonds van de Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten

Sponsor SGB steigerbouw, Rentokil, Palletfabriek Derksen Pannerden, Velocity Fietskoeriers, Hotel Haarhuis, Café Vrijdag, Café Verheijden

In collaboration with Remi Angel, Merija Ajeti, Ozlem Altin, Victor v.d. Berg, Gilles Biesheuvel, Lorenzo Borella, Kevin van Braak, Miriam Bouw, Daniëlle Bouwmeester, Tony Burjat, Peter Cleutjens, Hendrik Derksen, Quinten Dierick, Juriaan van Diggele, Bas van Doorn, Leonka Gold, Attilla Gonczi, Jaap Hagen, Jessica Helbach, Rosell Heijmen, Dominique van Hoof, Arand Hovakimian, Bing Ie, Hans Jungerius, Pim Koppers, Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, Lydia Lambrechts, Aldwin Lehr, Cecília de Lima, Erik Lucas, Iris Marko, Boris van Nes, Twan van Oosterhout, Oscar Prinsen, Riette van Rooij, Kroko Schilte, Floris Schoonderbeek, Gert Jan Schouten, Hannes van Soest, Peter Stel, Chris Summers, Rob Sweere, Ronald Ubbink, Raoul de Vries, Imelda Westerhof, Murat Yildiz, Mioko Yoshiahara, Marjol Zibaya